DMCA Information

(address updated 4-15-2015)

Trademark And Copyright Infringement Policy

Copyright and Trademark Claims

To notify NetFronts Inc that there has been a copyright or trademark violation, please follow the specific instructions below for filing a copyright or trademark claim.

If you are responding to a complaint of infringement, you will need to follow our Counter Notification Policy below.

Copyright Notices

Filing a Trademark Complaint

If you believe that any of the materials posted on the NetFronts Inc web site or subdomains infringes your valid, registered trademark or service mark, or the valid, registered trademark or service mark of one on whose behalf you are authorized to act (a valid, registered mark is a registration with the United States Patent and Trademark Office or, for foreign marks, registration with the appropriate intellectual property organization of your country. State registrations will not be considered valid registrations), please provide the following information and submit it via post mail, email or fax to:

Trademark Complaints,
NetFronts Inc,
PO Box 172473,
Denver, CO 80217

Necessary Information:

  • Your name, address and email address; and
  • Sufficient evidence that the party posting the trademark that is claimed to be infringing is a NetFronts customer; and
  • The trademark, service mark, trade dress, name, or other indicia of origin ("mark") that is claimed to be infringed, including the trademark registration number; and
  • The jurisdiction or geographical area to which the mark applies; and
  • The name, post office and email address and telephone number of the owner of the mark identified above (if different than yours); and
  • The goods and/or services covered by or offered under the mark identified above; and
  • The date of first use of the mark identified above; and
  • The date of first use in interstate commerce of the mark identified above; and
  • The mark that you believe is an infringement of its mark; and
  • The goods and/ or services covered by or offered under the mark claimed to be infringing; and
  • The precise location of the infringing mark, including electronic mail address, etc; and
  • A good faith certification, signed under penalty of perjury, stating:

    1. The mark [identify mark] infringes the rights of another party,
    2. The name of such said party,
    3. The mark [identify mark] being infringed, and
    4. That use of the mark [identify mark] claimed to be infringing at issue is not defensible.

Upon receipt of the appropriate information identified above NetFronts Inc will initiate an investigation. While NetFronts Inc is investigating the claim, NetFronts Inc, at its sole discretion and without any legal obligation to do so, may temporarily remove the challenged material from NetFronts, notify the posting party it will lock down the posting party's domain name(s), redirect the posting party's DNS, and/or if it is solely stored on a NetFronts server, temporarily remove or deny access to the challenged material.

If NetFronts Inc concludes that you have raised a legitimate trademark claim, it may, at its sole discretion and without any legal obligation to do so, permanently remove the challenged material from NetFronts, continue to suspend the posting party's NetFronts account and/or if it is solely stored on a NetFronts server, deny access to the challenged material. If NetFronts Inc concludes that you have not raised a legitimate claim or if it is not clear whether you have raised a legitimate claim, NetFronts Inc will restore access to the challenged material.

The Complaining Party should understand that NetFronts Inc and NetFronts, an ICANN accredited registrar, and its customers are bound by the UDRP. Nothing in this Policy should be construed to supersede the UDRP, nor the obligation of NetFronts Inc and its customers to abide by it in the context of domain name disputes.

Filing a Copyright Complaint

If you believe that any of the materials posted on the NetFronts Inc LLC NetFronts web site or subdomains infringes your copyright or the copyright of one on whose behalf you are authorized to act, please provide the following information and submit it via post mail, email or fax to:

DMCA Complaints,
NetFronts Inc,
PO Box 172473,
Denver, CO 80217

Necessary Information:

  • Your name, address and email address; and
  • Identification of the copyrighted material that you believe is being infringed and information sufficient for NetFronts Inc to locate it; and
  • Identification of the infringing material and location (URL) on the NetFronts site of that material; and
  • A statement that you have a good faith belief that there is no legal basis for the use of the materials complained of; and
  • A statement that this notice and above information is accurate; and
  • A statement under penalty of perjury that you, the Complaining Party, are authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyrighted work.
  • A physical or electronic signature.

Upon receipt of the above, NetFronts Inc will remove or disable access to the infringing material.

It is NetFronts Inc policy to terminate access to the NetFronts web site and service by those users who repeatedly infringe copyright materials.

Counter Notification Policy

Upon removal of or disabling access to the infringing material, we will attempt to contact the originator of the content in question and notify them that the material has been removed or access to it has been disabled to allow the filing of a counter notification by the originator of the posted content. Counter Notifications

If you receive notice that the material you have posted has been removed or access to it disabled, you are entitled to submit to NetFronts Inc a Counter Notification indicating that the material has been wrongly removed and requesting the material be replaced or access to it enabled. Be aware that the submission of a Counter Notification may result in a legal proceeding against you by the original complaining party and concerning infringement of the material. To submit a Counter Notification, please provide the information requested below via postal mail, email or fax to:

DMCA Complaints,,
PO Box 172473,
Denver, CO 80217

Necessary Information:

  • Your name, address and a means of contacting you; and
  • Identification of the material that has been removed or to which access has been disable and the location at which the material appeared (the specific url) before it was removed or access to it was disabled; and
  • A statement that you consent to the jurisdiction of the Federal District Court for the judicial district in which you are located, or, if you are located outside the U.S., for any judicial district in which NetFronts Inc is located AND that you will accept service of process from the person who originally provided notification of infringement; and
  • A statement, under penalty of perjury, that you have a good faith belief that the material was removed or disabled as a result of mistake or misidentification of the material; and
  • Your signature.

Upon receipt of the Counter Notification, NetFronts Inc will provide the original complaining party with a copy of the Counter Notification and inform that person that if within 14 days NetFronts Inc does not receive notice from the original complaining party that they have filed an action seeking a court order restraining posting of the material, NetFronts Inc will replace the material or cease disabling access to it. Identity of the Complainant/Counter-Complainant

NetFronts Inc' privacy policy does not allow us to disclose the identity of site users, unless directed so by court-order or the law. As such, the safe harbor provisions of the DMCA permit You as a copyright owner or patent holder, to subpoena the identity of the individual allegedly responsible for the infringing activities (under section 512.h). Such a subpoena is granted on the condition that the information about the individual's identity will only be used in relation to the protection of the intellectual property rights of the copyright owner or patent holder. If a court issues such a subpoena we will release the information for the purpose above. As always, You should consult competent legal counsel before pursuing this or any other legal action against the other party.